
Bariatric Surgeries and Liposuction are not Risk-free nor Magic

Abdelaziz Ghanemi*

*Faculty of Medicine, Laval University, Québec, Québec G1V 0A6, Canada

Received Date : Nov 19, 2021
Accepted Date : Dec 15, 2021
Published Date: Dec 22, 2021
Copyright :: © Abdelaziz Ghanemi 2021

*Corresponding Author : Abdelaziz Ghanemi, Faculté de médecine Pavillon Ferdinand-Vandry 1050, avenue de la Médecine Université Laval Québec (Québec) G1V 0A6 Canada.
DOI: Doi.org/10.55920/2771-019X/1052


Surgical practice represents an important field of modern medicine. It has allowed to save lives, cure diseases that were without a positive outcome and open novel doors. It is expected that its future [1] would involve robotics [2].

Obesity is a health problem as well as an economic burden that is expected to worsen including during the ongoing COVID-19 crisis [3]. It is associated with many diseases and health conditions [4] including metabolic disorders, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and even an impaired regeneration [5]. Obesity has been classified as a disease [6] with a neuroendocrine changes [7] related to a broken energy balance [8]. In addition, obese patients might also suffer from social and psychological challenges. Therefore, diverse tools have been developed to deal with obesity mainly exercise, diet [9] but also pharmacology [10], liposuction (considered as a cosmetic surgery [11] and bariatric surgery [12].

Within this context, we also expect the use of both bariatric surgery and liposuction to increase as well. For the bariatric surgery (and by extension the liposuction) would increase mainly because of both the contentiously increasing number of obese patients worldwide as well as the development of the healthcare system. In addition, the economic development in many regions worldwide improves the financial situation of the individuals which makes such surgeries more affordable. However, the dangerous aspect is that a number of individuals do believe that bariatric and cosmetic surgeries are simple and risk-free procedures that allows them to save time and efforts to lose weight. Indeed, it is a huge misunderstanding to believe that bariatric surgery and liposuction is an easy way to skip the need to manage weight or treat obesity via a healthy lifestyle including physical activity and a healthy diet. One of the possible consequences of such conception is that it could lead to less awareness of the importance of obesity prevention since this way of thinking would push individuals to believe that getting obese is not a problem with the available “easy” bariatric surgeries and liposuctions. Therefore, obesity will further increase. The bariatric surgery [13] and liposuction [14] can have complications and risk. In addition, the side effects and the recommendations that have to be followed after them are not simple either. The body weight/lipid content reduction that follows these procedures lead to biological changes that required close monitoring and a precise clinical and nutritional follow up.

There is an urgent need to increase the awareness that these procedures are not as safe and as risk-free as many patients seem to believe. This is a responsibility shared between different health professionals (physicians, pharmacists, nurses, etc.), politicians, leaders as well as those in charge of public events and academic activities. Such awareness would optimize and rationalize the practice of both bariatric surgery and liposuction. It will also contribute to the efforts humans are putting out to limit the obesity epidemiological progress.

Supplementary Materials

Not applicable

Author Contributions

A.G. designed the manuscript structure and wrote it


This work received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Not applicable.


Abdelaziz Ghanemi received a scholarship under the Merit Scholarship Program for foreign students from the Ministry of Education and Higher Education of Quebec, Canada. The Fonds de recherche du Québec—Nature et technologies (FRQNT) is responsible for managing the program (Bourses d’excellence pour étudiants étrangers du Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur du Québec, Le Fonds de recherche du Québec—Nature et technologies (FRQNT) est responsable de la gestion du programme). Abdelaziz Ghanemi received the scholarship « Bourse Tremplin -Stage en milieu de pratique» (Internship scholarship) from the Fonds de recherche du Québec-Sante (FRQS), Quebec, Canada

Conflicts of Interest

The author declares no conflict of interest.


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