• ISSN Number

    ISSN 2771-019X
  • Impact Factor

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In all areas of medicine, case reports and clinical photographs are essential as human volunteers who are meant to contribute to medical knowledge involve the research.

The Journal of Clinical and Medical Images, Case Reports (JCMICR) is a fantastic resource for keeping up with the latest clinical advancements and for publishing case reports and clinical images related to a variety of medical illnesses. This peer-reviewed publication provides a comprehensive overview of the diagnosis, treatment, and therapeutic solutions for a variety of disorders.

Journal of Clinical and Medical Images, Case Reports (ISSN 2771-019X) pertaining to many fields of clinical and medical sciences are welcomed.

Case report and literature review of primary retroperitoneal thyroid carcinoma

   The patient is a 56-year-old female. She was admitted to hos- pital on September 6, 2018 due to “left retroperitoneal mass found by CT for half a year”; Physical examination showed: T36.7oC, P80 times/min, R20 times/min, BP101/65 mmHg, no eminence in the bilateral renal area, slight percussion pain in the bilateral renal area, no tenderness in the bilateral ureteral travel area, no obvious filling or tenderness in the bladder area. Auxiliary examination: Contrast-enhanced CT scan in the middle and upper abdomen showed two types of circular nodules with near soft tissue density (arrow in Figure 1) in front of the left kidney, about 31.4 x 27.4 mm in size, with smooth contour.

The significance of multi-discipline healthcare professionals’ input and nursing leaders’ skills in research grant proposal writing

   In the dynamic realm of modern healthcare, research and innovation are imperative for addressing complex chal- lenges [1]. Securing research grants plays a pivotal role in advancing healthcare initiatives [2]. Successful grant pro- posal writing necessitates a profound understanding of the subject matter, adept research methodology, and effective communication of research significance [3].

Nanoparticles as therapeutic agent for ophthalmic biomedical applications

   Nanoparticles are very ultrafine particles, with potential applications in biomedical sciences. The use of nanopar- ticles in ophthalmology is new approach nowadays. The vital nanoparticles possibilities for the ophthalmology are AuNPs and AgNPs. In this review, issues will be deliberated about the application of nanoparticles which includes laser- heated nanoparticles for ophthalmology, and ophthalmic drug delivery. One approach is using gold nanoparticles, as they have several properties and applications in diagnosis and therapy tools.

Laryngeal myxedema, an uncommon complication of severe hypothyroidism: A case report

   Laryngeal myxedema is a rare complication of severe hy- pothyroidism. It may be responsible for upper airway ob- struction and has to be taken into account as an emergency situation. A 65 years old male presented with difficulty in breathing, hoarseness, facial and cervical edema at a Ter- tiary Center. Clinical suspission led to appropriate blood ex- aminations and the diagnosis of laryngeal myxedema was made. The patient was treated with intravenous levothy- roxine and hydrocortisone. Symptoms were alleviated com- pletely and endotracheal intubation or tracheostomy were not necessary. This case indicates that early suspicion, and diagnosis of laryngeal myxedema, a lethal condition, may be challenging, and with prompt medical treatment, intubation may be prevented.

Mini-review: Vitamin D toxicity: Diagnosis, management, and treatment

   Vitamin D, a fat-soluble vitamin, is synthesized in the skin through exposure to ultraviolet B-light radiation [1]. Factors such as limited sun exposure and dietary deficiencies contrib- ute to low vitamin D status among many individuals, across all age groups and geographic locations [2,3], and due to its as- sociation with many diseases, supplementing with vitamin D to restore body reserves is highly important [4]. Yet, concurrently, we are observing an increase in reports of toxicity associated with this vitamin as well [5].

Working Process
  • 1

    Manuscript Submission

  • 2

    Preliminary Quality Check

  • 3

    Peer Review Process

  • 4

    Manuscript Acceptance

  • 5


Abstracting and Indexing
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