Mini Review - Volume 2 - Issue 3

The Clinical-Medical-Images-Physiology of Preventive-Biomedicines-Mixture-Case Reports Improved Medical-Research-Science-Technology-Communication-Biodiversity-Wildlife-Conservation-Issues

Subhas Chandra Datta1,2*

1PhD, Department of Zoology, VisvaBharati University, West Bengal, India
2Headmaster, Secretary and Researcher, Kanchannagar D N Das High School (HS), West Bengal, India.

Received Date : Apr 06, 2022
Accepted Date : May 11, 2022
Published Date: May 24, 2022
Copyright:© Subhas Chandra Datta 2022

*Corresponding Author : Subhas Chandra Datta, PhD in VisvaBharati, C/O- Rajendra Nath Nag, House No.-430A, Bajeprotappur (Katwa Road), Burdwan Municipality, Purba Bardhaman, Bardhaman-713101, West
Bengal, India, Tel: +91 9832192464; +91 7602303924.



The present paper reviews some typical individual preventive and therapeutic measures of “Clinical-Case-Reports of COVID 19 patients treated with Biomedicines-Mixture, prepared by mixing of fresh weeds-vegetables-fruits-spices”, and it does not only act as “The Clinical-Medical-Images-Physiology of Preventive-Biomedicines-Mixture-Case Reports Improved Medical-Research-Science-Technology-Communication-Biodiversity-Wildlife-Conservation-Issues”, but also it acts as the most cost-effective eco-friendly easily-manufacture-able easily-applicable easily-available and side-effects-free “Natural-Vaccine for All”.

Keywords: Clinical-Medical-Images-Physiology; preventive-biomedicines-mixture-case reports; improved-medical-research-science-technology-communication; biodiversity-wildlife-conservation-issues.


The lockdowns and restriction of movements from 2019, the first-pandemic-outbreaks in Wuhan, China, COVID-19, caused by SARS-CoV-2, has spread worldwide quickly, badly affected our lives, physical activity, and sedentary behavior, food habits, etc., that intricately-linking-chronic-diseases, and the recent-pandemic-wave also starts from China again and may cause a high-transmission-rate with pathogenicity of mutant-coronavirus that have made COVID-19 a serious-public-health-hazards-globally, weakening the ability of COVID-19-vaccines to prevent-SARS-CoV-2-infection-or-reinfection preparing for the next wave (Plate 1). Recently the Ginger-Biomedicines act as ‘Preventive-Natural-Gifts’ against ‘Omicron-Like-Any-New-Variant’ advancing “Clinical Toxicology-Drug-Discovery-Agriculture-Environment-Biodiversity-Wildlife-Conservation-Science-Technology-Communications-Innovations-Socio-Economy-Issues” [1-8].


The present study reviews some typical individual-preventive-and-therapeutic measures of “Clinical-Case-Reports of COVID 19 patients treated with Biomedicines-Mixture-Meals, prepared by mixing of fresh weeds-vegetables-fruits-spices”.

Figure 1: Covid’s terrible toll on people with vaccination (The New York Times, April 4, 2022).


The mixing of fresh weeds-vegetables-fruits-spices; amaranth-okra-cowpea-cucumber-ginger-turmeric@(10g+25g+25g+35g+4g+1g=100g) respectively are prepared a cup of 100g fresh-biomedicines-meals / candidate (one-year to ninety-nine years-age-groups), taking-orally-in-different-forms @ twice-or-thrice/day as nutritious-food (Plate 2) against naturally-occurring-coronavirus-2 infections-or-reinfections 45-days before COVID-19-infections in lockdown, OR in case-of-treatments, the dose may be increased depending on the intensity-of-diseases [1-7].

Figure 2: Vegetables and spices with unmasked community consuming fresh biomedicines-meals.


The biomedicines-mixture meals once again are not only very much effective in preventing-coronavirus-2 infections or reinfections, but also improve ‘Sedentary-Life-Style, Food-Habits, Health-Hazards, and Bio-Medical-Physiology-Research’.


The Biomedicines-Mixture-Meals prepared from the weeds-vegetables-fruits-and-spices, not-only act as “The Clinical-Medical-Images-Physiology of Preventive-Biomedicines-Mixture-Case Reports Improved Medical-Research-Science-Technology-Communication-Biodiversity-Wildlife-Conservation-Issues”, but also it acts as the most cost-effective eco-friendly easily-manufacture-able easily-applicable easily-available and side-effects-free “Natural-Vaccine for All”. And it is the only way to prevent the “Public-Health-Epidemiology-Infectious-Diseases-Pharmacology-Toxicology-Clinical-Immunology-Bio-edical-Education-Research also”. In near future, high-diluted or ultra-high-diluted ‘Biomedicines-Juice’ will save the world in all respect of natural ‘Bio-Resources’ with sound body and mind in a joyful environment [1-8].


  1. Datta SC & Datta B. Biomedicines-Meal (BMM) and Ultra-High-Diluted-Biomedicines-Turmeric (UHDBMT) Treat as ‘Community-Booster-Vaccine Standard-Model’ (CBVSM), The ‘God-Particle’ (GP) of ‘Future-X-Pandemic’ (FXP): Enriched Family-Medicine-Agriculture-Environment-Science-Technology-Communication-Issues! International Journal of Family & Community Medicine. 2022; 6(1): 1-9. [DOI: 10.15406/ijfcm.2022.06.00254].
  2. Datta SC. Immediate Apply ‘Emergency-Oral-Vaccine’ of ‘Omicron’ Enriched’ ‘Clinical-Global-HealthMedical-Research-Science-Technology-Communication-Application-Issue’. Scientific Research Journal of Applied Sciences. 2022; 2(1): 12-23.
  3. Datta SC. Immediate Apply ‘Emergency-Oral-Vaccine’ of ‘Omicron’ Enriched’ ‘Clinical-Global-HealthMedical-Research-Science-Technology-Communication-Application-Issue’. Sarcouncil Journal of Applied Sciences. 2022; 2(1): 12-23.
  4. Datta SC & Mukherjee R. Only Biomedicines-Meals (BM) Act as the ‘Preventive-Immunity-Booster-Community-Vaccine (PIBCV)’ Against ‘Omicron’ Enriching Global-Public-Health Forestry-Agriculture-Environment-Biodiversity-Wildlife-Conservation-Medical-Research-Science-Technology-Communication-Applications (GPHFAEBWCMRSTCA)? Arch Community Med Public Health. 2022; 8(1): 025-034. [DOI:].
  5. Datta SC. The Ginger-Biomedicines act as Preventive-Natural-Gifts against Omicron-Deltacron Rupacron-Futuracron-Like-Any-New-Variant’: Advanced Clinical Toxicology Drug Discovery Agriculture Environment-Biodiversity-Wildlife-Conservation-Science-Technology-Communications-Innovations Socio-Economy-Issues. Adv Clin Toxicol. 2022; 7(1): 000235. [DOI: 10.23880/act-16000234].
  6. Datta SC. Only Pharmacy-and-Drug-Innovations Can Steady-Reopen Different Research-Educational-Institutions Immunization Against ‘Future A to Z Diseases’: Advanced Scientific-Community-Global-Health-Ecology-Agriculture-Environment-Science-Technology-Communication-Applications-Socio-Economy. J Pharmacy and Drug Innovations. 2022; 3(3): 1-10. [DOI: http;//].
  7. Datta SC. Reviews the Clinical Case Reports of Biomedicines Ginger Preventive Vaccines Against ‘Omicron to Any Future X Disease’ Improving BioMedical Health Physiology Research Science Technology Communication Environment Wildlife Biodiversity Conservation. International Journal of Clinical Case Reports and Reviews. (Peer Reviewing). 2022.
  8. Datta SC. Only wildlife conservation may be future omicron-like-preventive-epidemic-covid-19-model enriched forestry-horticulture-agricultureenvironment-health-biodiversity-science-technology-communication-application-issues. Hort Int J. 2022; 6(1): 6-9. [DOI:10.15406/hij.2022.06.00234].