Short Commentary - Volume 2 - Issue 5

Conventional Cupping Therapy: Clinical Concerns

Bashir Abdrhman Bashir*

*Department of Hematology, Faculty of Medical Laboratory Sciences, Port Sudan Ahlia College, Sudan.

Received Date : July 14, 2022
Accepted Date : Aug 10, 2022
Published Date: Sept 01, 2022
Copyright:© Bashir Abdrhman Bashir 2022

*Corresponding Author : TBashir Abdrhman Bashir, Associate professor of Hematology, Chairman of Hematology Department Faculty of Medical Laboratory Sciences, Port Sudan Ahlia College, Port Sudan, Sudan. Tel: +249912358772

Dear Editor

Cupping therapy is a customary medical innovation for a great many years. It is a critical segment of reciprocal and alternative medicine in the universe as needle therapy. It is mainstream in numerous nations, particularly in China, Korea, Japan, Saudi Arabia, and even Sudan [1]. Cupping therapy can be employed in spacious curable disease, and a few enhancements in the technical research of cupping therapy has been Made [2]. More heeds are intensive on the adverse event statement and exhorted proposal or standard. Cupping therapy is compelling in numerous sorts of sicknesses. It is reported that Persian Cupping therapy can be applied in 1001 sorts of ailments. Latterly, cupping therapy is regularly exercising for pain, cardiovascular diseases, immune system anomalies and metabolic diseases, migraine, low back pain, fibromyalgia, shoulder pain, chronic non-specific neck pain, angina, arthritis, hypertension, ischemic and inflammatory myocardial disorders, herpes zoster infection, secondary amenorrhea, depression and anxiety, fatigue, and acne vulgaris [3].

The cupping therapy could adapt skin blood influx, create variations in biochemical merits of the skin, increment quick pressure pain threshold in some parts, conform to the serum P, and rapidly lessen the inflammation settings [4]. A previous study marks that cupping can reestablish sympathovagal imbalances characteristic also, maybe cardio-protective by triggering the peripheral nervous system [2]. Cupping appears to have a functional role in the activation of the complement framework as well as the amendment of the cellular part of the immune system [4]. It has been discovered that cupping increments erythrocytes and has an impact on anemia owing to chronic renal disease. Additionally, a huge decrease in glucose in diabetic patients after cupping. However, a previous report has also indicated that cupping has no impact on serum high-sensitivity C-reactive protein among patients with metabolic syndrome [2,3]. Cupping tends to result in skin marks. This is because, like a bruise, it brings blood to the surface. Cupping is not the ideal therapeutic option for patients with bleeding problems such as hemophilia, von Willebrand disease, or who are undergoing anticoagulants. Before having cupping, people with these diseases should explore the benefits and drawbacks of treatment with their experienced practitioner or doctor [5].

Cupping is not recommended for veins, arteries, nerves, skin inflammation, any skin disease, body orifices, eyes, lymph nodes, or varicose veins in general. Cupping is also contraindicated on open wounds, bone fractures, acute infection, using anticoagulants, severe chronic disease (such as heart diseases), pregnancy, puerperium, menstruation, anemia, recent wet cupping session, recent blood donation, medical emergencies, and sites of deep vein thrombosis [3]. There may be some discomfort, but this should not be considered an adverse impact. As stagnation is cleared and connective tissue and muscles are relaxed, moderate, momentary discomfort is expected. There have been two sorts of contraindications to cupping therapy: absolute and relative contraindications. Cupping therapy is contraindicated in cancer patients and those with any organ failure until we have more knowledge about its safety (renal failure, hepatic failure, and heart failure). It is also strictly prohibited in people who have a pacemaker [4]. In conclusion, cupping therapy is a centuries-old traditional and alternative medicine technique. There is overwhelming evidence that it may be beneficial in the treatment of certain disorders, particularly pain-related conditions. Applying infection control strategies is a critical aspect of cupping therapy practice. This letter emphasized the most clinical warnings.


  1. Chen B, Li MY, Liu PD, Guo Y, Chen ZL. Alternative medicine: an update on cupping therapy. Q J Med. 2015; 108: 523-525.
  2. Bamfarahnak H, Azizi A, Noorafshan A, Mohagheghzadeh A. A tale of Persian cupping therapy: 1001 potential applications and avenues for research. Forsch Komplementmed. 2014; 21: 42-7.
  3. Cao H, Li X, Liu J. An updated review of the efficacy of cupping therapy. PLoS One. 2012; 7: e31793.
  4. Liu W, Piao S, Meng X, Wei LH. Effects of cupping on blood flow under skin of back in healthy human. World J Acupuncture Moxibustion. 2013; 23: 50-2.
  5. Emerich M, Braeunig M, Clement HW, Lu¨ dtked R, Hubera R. Mode of action of cupping—local metabolism and pain thresholds in neck pain patients and healthy subjects. Complement Ther Med. 2014; 22: 148-58.