Clinical Image - Volume 3 - Issue 4

Illustration of skin diseases in the Unani clinical research OPDs

Humaira Bano1*; Nikhat sheikh2; Sidra3

1Colocation Research Centre, RRIUM, Mumbai, J.J. Hospital, Byculla, Mumbai, India.
2Regional Research Institute of Unani Medicine, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, India.
3PG scholar NIUM, Bangalore, India.

Received Date : June 23, 2023
Accepted Date : July 19, 2023
Published Date: July 26, 2023
Copyright:© Humaira Bano 2023

*Corresponding Author : Humaira Bano, Colocation Research Centre, RRIUM, Mumbai, J.J. Hospital, Byculla, Mumbai, India.


These are the nine Figures taken in Unani research OPDs related to skin disease as Unani System of medicine has significant result in dermatology and cosmetics fields. Patients who had taken treatment from the specialist did not cure moved to Unani treatment. Here the purpose is only to present the cases of skin diseases with special peculiarities what met in the Unani Research Centre.

Keywords: Skin disease, Unani system of Medicine, case reports.


Unani System of Medicine is one of the ancient systems of Medicine, in a historical course, the embranchment of sciences have flourished from the very Greek medical knowledge. Now, India is the largest land in which the Unani system of Medicine is still growing with glorious practices of advanced research and provision of health facilities for curing various complex, untreatable diseases.

The Unani system of Medicine presents Skin diseases in the inclusion of skin, hair and nails in two folds meanings.

  1. Diseased condition and treatment.
  2. Maintenance and enhancement of the beauty of skin, hair and Nails.

Skin is an interface of the Human body to the environment, In Unani literature has presented the finest definition of the skin “Skin of the human is made up weaker and softer than other animals’ because its primary aim to beautify the human body and secondary is to protect the body from external factors and remove out the metabolized wastages in favour of internal organ which move toward the skin to excrete out in the mean of strengthen it” [1].

After interrogations, and examination of the disease, the utmost thing for the Unani physician is to understand which humour is involved being the reason for this condition; a large field is always open and invites the physician to measure the parameter in the direction of correct diagnosis and move on treatment. Importantly, location, size, shape, colour, severity and symptoms are the primary parameters to know the temperaments of patient. Additionally, previous disease if any, dietary habit, addiction, lifestyle and other circumstances necessary to document in this favour. All diseases of the skin always is an inflammatory condition [1,2].

Figure 1: Tinea infection in 12 years old female

Figure 2: psoriatic plaques on the face of 78year old.

Figure 3 & 4: Fungal infection in hands and feet- 50 year old female patient.       

Figure 5: Tinea capitis in 5 years old child

Figures Description
Figure 1-A 12 year old boy has a Unique presentation of ringworm infection in a highly marked outline of a large ring-shaped that covers area from chest to abdomen. In the Unani system of Medicine, this peculiarity denotes the word ‘Quba’ caused by burnt black bile when accumulated within the skin [5,6].

Figure 2- A 78-year-old female patient with a complaint of excessive secretion from eyes with deposition of plaques on the face with intense itching, hot flushing and red eruption on the other part of the body with disease of systemic sclerosis.

Figure 6: Raer case of warts on beard area in youn man

Figure 7: chronic itching and eruption on arms

Figure 8: Psoriasis in 55 years old male patirnt

Figure 9: Acute pustulosis(After viral fever) in 27 year sold man.

Figures 3&4- A 50 year old female patient with colossal fungal infection in her feet and hands has intense burning pain, itching and exfoliated skin as carded cotton with an atrophied appearance and fissuring in skin. InUnani system of medicine it is known as takarruj (Fungus) due to insufficient temperature and nutrition reached, or continue wetted feet and hands [1,5,6].

Figure 5 is taken of a five year old child who was having paches, extreme dryness in his head, in Unani system of medicine it is called Quba-e-Ras or safa-e-Yabusi (Tinea capatis) [4]. In this disease black bile in ecxess mixd in blood reached to scalp to evacuating out but settled in the skin as patches or homogenousity.

Figure 6 shows dense and severely erupted warts in the beard area of a 24-year-old man who had an estranged history of one wart was there. He extracted-out himself manually, but after that, it got massive and spread over the region. He had no option except laser surgery, but the patient was worried about not security to be a cure or significant impact in the future.            

Figure 7 46-year-old male patient with severe itch with enormous eruption over the arms already had been diagnosed with lichen planus as had eruptions with itching and dry lustre of skin and dirty appearance of the arm, thus patients got a lot of physical difficulties and poor quality of life and social detachment. In the Unani system of medicine, it is called HikkaYabis caused by thick sticky phlegm with black bile overwhelming in the skin due to insufficient evacuation of the wastage [3,6].

Figure 8- is a 55-year-old male patient with patchy eruption with severe itch over the ear and dryness shredded off the skin from the head with loss of hair also. The patient was diagnosed with psoriasis. In Unani medicine is called Da-ul-sadaf/ Taqashshur-e-jild caused by impairment of Quwat-e-mughairah [4,5].

Figure 9 this is a 27 years old man, who came to seek treatment for a severe, enormous pustulous eruption with fever and painful condition and stress in bewildering of monkeypox during the pandemic. He had severe pus formation in big-sized pustules up to 8mm on the back shoulder of both arms. He has experienced intense itching and eruption continually occurred with new pustules.


Originality and contesnt: All images are original, taken after consent of the patients.

Sponsership Financila support: There is no sponsership and finance support from any orgainaztion or agency.


  1. Ibn Zuhr, Abu Mrawan Abdul Malik, Kitab al-taiser. Central Council for Research In Unani Medicine Ministry of Health and family welfare Govt. of India, New Delhi.1986; 94-193.
  2. Jūrjānī Mohammad Ismail, Tarjuma Zakheera-e-Khwarzam Shahi. Urdu. Munshi Naval Kishore. Lucknow; 1903; 19,30,35,37, 42.
  3. Ibn-Al-Quff, Aminud-daula Abul-furj ibnul quff Al-masihi .Kitab-Al-Umdah fil jarahat Urdu Central Council Research in Unani Medicine Ministry of Health and Family welfare Govt. of India New Delhi. 1896; 1: 102.
  4. Tabri, Abūl Hasan Ahmad Bin Muhammad. Al-Mūalījat Būqratīya Urdu CCRUM, New Delhi.
  5. 1997; (2)180,207.
  6. Ibn Sina, Abu Ali Hussain bin Abdullah. Alqanoon fil Tib. Urdu by Gulam Hasnain Kanturi. Munshi Naval Kishore Lucknow. 1929; 4: 360-361, 367-369.
  7. Arzani, Hakeem Muhammad. Tibb-e-Akbar. Urdu by Hakeem Muhammad Haussain. Idara Kitab-al-shifa Daryaganj Delhi. 1903; 698: 738-739.