• ISSN Number

    ISSN 2771-019X
  • Impact Factor


Volume-5, Issue-1

Identification of complement-related genes in lung tissue after brain death and cardiac death based on machine learning

    The effects of brain death and cardiac death on lung tissue were different. In the pathological process of brain death and heart death, the activation and regulation of complement system show obvious differences. Thus, our study aims to explore the difference of complement-related genes between the two.

Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis in a patient with acute COPD exacerbation: A case report

    Pneumatosis Cystoides Intestinalis (PCI) is a rare condition characterized by gas-filled cysts within the intestinal wall. While often benign, it can mimic life-threatening conditions such as ischemic or necrotizing colitis. This case report describes a patient with PCI in the setting of acute COPD exacerbation, highlighting the diagnostic and management challenges.

E. avium-induced peritonitis in a patient with decompensated liver cirrhosis

    Ascites is a common condition in cirrhotic liver disease that may affect up to 50% of compensated liver disease patients [1]. Infection of the ascitic fluid is a serious complication associated with a substantial increase in the risk of mortality [2]. Timely diagnosis and adequate anti-infective treatment are crucial.

What indicators should best be used to evaluate progress in transfusion medicine?

    Transfusion Medicine (TM) is a relatively young offspring of the family of sciences which came to development since Karl Landsteiner at the turn of the 19th Century discovered the fundamental blood group system AB0 in Vienna [1]. For this milestone discovery Kark Landsteiner in 1930 was awarded the Nobel prize [2].

Partial coverage porcelain fused to metal overcasting for the restoration of a fractured metal ceramic multi-unit bridge: A clinical report

    A porcelain fused to metal partial coverage overcasting was made, in order to repair a broken veneering ceramic on an existing multi-unit porcelain fused to metal bridge. This crown served as an abutment for a removable partial denture. Clinical and laboratory procedures of the fabrication of the porcelain fused to metal overcasting, as well as the removable partial denture, are described.

Acute myocardial infarction in young Bangladeshi migrant workers in Singapore: A case series

    Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD) is the leading cause of death worldwide. Studies have shown increased incidence of IHD in migrant worker populations. In Singapore, about 24% of the population comprises migrant workers. Yet there is limited research on IHD and Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) within this patient group.

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